Howdy Members!
I am looking forward to the next month as we approach our annual conference this year in Charleston, South Carolina, September 22nd – 25th! This year’s conference theme is “Power”, “Strength” and “Resilience”! Continue! The 2024 Conference Committee has been working hard on the final details. If you haven’t registered and are interested in attending, please do so by going out to the WiNUP website (
Next, I would like to thank our membership for the preparation and participation in the strategic planning session that was conducted during our WiNUP summer board meeting in June. There were 3 pre-work assignments over a 3-month period sent out to our membership through the International Board representatives. Over 80% of our chapters responded to these assignments and 100% actively participated in our summer board meeting discussions. This is incredible work! The International Board has done a tremendous job in collecting, facilitating, and representing their chapter’s interest at the international level! The next steps are to make sure we put our feedback into action! Stay tuned and learn more through your International Board representatives!
Last, as I continue to reflect on the H.O.M.E. acronym I shared with you all at the 2023 conference, I want to focus on the “M” (which stands for “MARKETING”). Our WiNUP membership has really been focused this past quarter on marketing our organization to potential members and our Marketing Committee, has been hard at work developing tools to help our chapters market to new members and target new industries. Thanks to all our members for continuing to “MARKET” the WiNUP brand! It takes all of us to make our organization grow! #takeithome
Laura Hatcher Havis,
2024 WiNUP President & CEO
“Understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success”. – Arianna Huffington