The West Virginia Chapter is excited to host
our Professional development event on March 18, 2025. This is possible since receiving the Professional Development Grant. We hope to have as many members and potential members join us in person; however, due to logistics, we are also offering this via TEAMS.
For those attending in person, we are collecting pillows to be donated to the Golden Girls Group home located in Ceredo WV. Lunch will be provided.
Golden Girl is licensed to serve 24 girls from ages 12 to 21; with remarkable success serving dependent, neglected and predelinquent girls who are unable to make a successful adjustment in their natural homes or foster care homes.
They encourage positive change and growth through a series of educational, recreational, treatment and support services in a warm, loving, and therapeutic environment. They continue at the original location in Ceredo, which is a small, quaint town. It is ideally located and within close proximity to schools, recreational facilities, cultural events, and medical services.
The WVNLA built the GGGH a new fellowship building, an outdoor kitchen, a pond, new fencing, an arbor and awnings, a basketball court, installed low-maintenance landscaping and created a centralized courtyard, integrating their campus buildings into a pleasant, peaceful space.
Click on the link to download the flyer!
Current Topics/Speakers include:
Cindy Wiseman, President and COO of Kentucky Power, will share her story. Every wonder how to become the President of an Operating company, join us to find out.
Tonya Tiggett, Owner and Chief Success Strategist, Tiggett & Co., LLC - Sneak-Peak into the Conference workshop "Bridging Women Together: Next Level Leadership".
Kala Withrow, Martin Supply Nucor Safety, is a new member to WiNUP and will share some insights about safety at the workplace
Jon P. Webster, External Affairs Manager, WV - Broadband
2025 Conference Update and March Madness Announcement
About the Speakers:
Cindy Wiseman is president and chief operating officer of Kentucky Power and is responsible for all aspects of electric service for Kentucky Power's customers. Previously, she was vice president, External Affairs and Customer Service for Kentucky Power and provided oversight for all economic development, corporate communications, external affairs and customer service initiatives.
Cindy started with AEP in 2008 in corporate communications at Appalachian Power and later was named as external affairs manager for the company. In 2018, she joined Kentucky Power as managing director of External Affairs and Customer Service.
She is a graduate of Marshall University with a bachelor's degree in journalism with an emphasis in public relations.
Tonya Tiggett is founder and chief career strategist at Tiggett & Co., LLC. She has fostered growth and advancement for over 13,000 female professionals globally since launching her company in 2013. Passionate about supporting women and girls, Tonya has served on the boards of WELD, CoolTechGirls, The Girls Scouts, and was Board President for the Columbus Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO).
Prior to Tiggett & Co., Tonya oversaw a $MM training budget at JP Morgan Chase, where she launched a multi-state, award-winning Spanish language immersion program to 3,000 employees and created enterprise-wide women's leadership programs. With encouragement of a sponsor, Tonya founded Tiggett & Co. to fulfill her quest to empower women globally to advance their careers. Starting with two corporate partners, her 20 programs have boosted the leadership confidence and career mobility of women in 17 countries, resulting in promotions, increased compensation, sponsorship, and greater career satisfaction.
Jon P Webster is External Affairs Manager, WV. He entered the department of External Affairs with Appalachian Power in June 2018. Jon is currently one of four external affairs managers in WV responsible for oversight and implementation of local & county governmental affairs, media communications liaison, community relations and local/regional economic development operations. Jon also serves as AEP’s primary community field contact. Prior to this role, Jon served as the Environmental & Lab Supervisor at the John E. Amos Power Plant from 2008 to 2018.
Over his career, Jon has held positions in both public and private sectors. Prior to working for AEP/APCo, Jon worked in the private sector as an Environmental & Engineering Manager for Waste Management, Inc., from 2003 to 2008, with principal responsibilities focusing on regulatory requirements for multiple hauling companies, landfills, and transfer stations. From 2002 to 2003, he worked for Allied Waste/BFI as an Engineering manager with responsibilities focusing on the development & operations of landfills in West Virginia and Kentucky. As a public employee, Jon worked as a Field Engineer & Landfill Engineer for the City of Charleston, WV from 1996 to 2002 as well as an Engineer for the City of Evansville, IN from 1992 to 1996.
Jon received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from West Virginia University (1992).